1. |
Mr. John Doe has recently opened a consulting company name Fracking Engineering in Anywhere Florida. His company specializes in Fracking and Natural gas industry. Mr. John Doe has given himself the title of President and Chief Operating Engineer of Fracking Engineering. Mr. Doe previously worked at Any Oil & Gas company for over 25 years where he held positions as field engineer, design engineer, test engineer, engineering manager and vice president of engineering department. He previously worked in Texas and Louisiana before recently moving to Florida for retirement and starting a small consulting engineering company. Mr. Doe is not a registered professional engineer in any State and has always worked as an engineer in large companies. Mr. Doe has already acquired government land in the mid sections of Florida and invested 5 million Dollars of his own money and lenders in his company.
Mr. Doe can: |
Call himself “engineer” because he has worked in the industry as an engineer for the past 20 years. |
Not call himself engineer, because he is not a registered professional engineer. |
2. |
At the moment the business is losing money on daily basis. Mr. Doe’s best options is: |
Close the business and file bankruptcy. |
Start studying for his EIT exam. |
Hire a Florida Professional Engineer, preferably with an Environmental Engineering background. |
3. |
In case he decides to hire a PE engineer and move on with the new business, his first priority should be: |
To make enough money to pay his monthly payment to his bank and his investors. |
Start building up new clients to sell his natural gas and keep the company afloat. |
Establish the correct company guidelines and drilling procedures and operation to assure the health, safety and welfare of the citizens at his drilling sites and surroundings, complying with all EPA rules and regulations. |
4. |
According to the latest changes made to 61G15-26.001Standards for Supervision of Governmental Employees by Professional Engineers.
- As required by section 471.003(2)(b)2., F.S. employees of governmental entities must act under the responsible charge of professional engineers as defined in subsection 61G15-18.011(1), F.A.C., whenever they are performing engineering as that term is defined in section 471.005(7), F.S. The supervision exercised over such employees by the professional engineer in responsible charge must be of such a quality as to be equivalent to that required of private firms. Further, all documents or reports which would be equivalent to those requiring a professional engineer’s seal when filed for public record in the private sector will require the seal, signature and date of the supervising professional engineer when such documents or reports are filed or promulgated on behalf of a governmental entity. This rule shall prohibit non-professional employees governed by this rule from overriding, or approving, accepting or rejecting, or modifying engineering documents prepared by professional engineers unless such actions are concurred in by a professional engineer in responsible charge of the employee and that said professional engineer takes full responsibility for such a decision.
- This rule shall be reviewed, and if necessary, repealed, modified, or renewed through the rulemaking process five years from the effective date.
True |
False |
– According to the latest changes made to Florida Statutes Chapter 471.055 471.055
Structural Engineering Recognition Program for Professional Engineers.-
(1)The board shall establish the Structural Engineering Recognition Program for Professional Engineers to recognize professional engineers who specialize in structural engineering and have gone above and beyond the required minimum professional engineer licensing standards …………………………………………………………………………………… ( and the rest of the statute)
5. |
The board shall establish _______________ to receive recognition through the program |
Minimum requirements |
Maximum requirement and additional exam |
6. |
The board _________ any licensed professional engineer who has successfully passed the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying Structural Engineering 16-hour PE Structural examination or any other examination approved by the board. |
The board must recognize |
The board will not recognize |
7. |
In addition, the ___________ any licensed professional engineer who specializes in structural engineering based on alternative criteria determined by the board. |
board may recognize |
board will not recognize |
8. |
Historically, the signing and sealing of a document was intended to verify its authenticity to its recipient. Today, by signing, dating, and sealing an engineering document, a Professional Engineer:

- Verifies the authenticity of the document, and
- Accepts responsibility for its accuracy and legitimacy.
- It also indicates that the document is a final engineering document.
- It places the responsibility of the document’s content on the PE who signed and sealed the document.
True |
False |
9. |
When hand signing and sealing, every sheet of engineering design document ________ signed, dated, and sealed by the Professional Engineer in responsible charge. |
Must be |
Does not have to be |
10. |
A title block on each sheet must contain |
Your printed name, address, and license number, and, if applicable, the qualified engineering business’s name and address. |
Your name and license number only |
11. |
For engineering specifications and calculations, |
An index sheet should be signed, dated, and sealed by all PEs indicating the sections they are in responsible charge. |
Your name and license number are sufficient. |
12. |
Digital or electronic signatures and seals are handled differently. When digitally signing and sealing, your digital signature and seal, with the date the document was sealed, should appear on the first page of the engineering document. When electronically signing and sealing, your electronic signature and seal, with the date the document was sealed, should appear on the signature report. With either of these methods, a title block should appear on each sheet of the document. |
True |
False |
13. |
A Professional Engineer may use a wet seal, an embossing seal, or a digital seal. Whichever is used must be at least __________ and similar in design as indicated in Rule 61G15-23.002, F.A.C., Seals Acceptable to the Board. |
1-7/8 inches in diameter |
2-1/4 inches in diameter |
14. |
The method you choose for signing and sealing your engineering documents will depend on the format required by the public entity with which you are filing the documents. FBPE does not have jurisdiction over how engineering documents must be filed, as long as the public entity is not asking Professional Engineers to violate engineering laws and rules. |
True |
False |
15. |
Engineering documents can be hand signed with a pen, dated, and sealed by the Professional Engineer in responsible charge. The seal may be ink stamped, embossed, or a digital image, and placed partially overlapping – but not obscuring – your signature. The signature may not be a scanned, facsimile, digitally created, or copied image. |
True |
False |
16. |
Scanned or electronic copies of physically signed and sealed documents __________signed and sealed.
See Rule 61G15‐23.003, F.A.C., Procedures for Physically Signing and Sealing Plans, Specifications, Reports or Other Documents. |
Are not considered |
Are considered |
17. |
A digital signature __________ to the Professional Engineer using it, obtained from a third-party certification authority, and capable of verification. The certification authority will vet the PE and provide a password-protected digital signature file. (FBPE does not approve or provide a list of authorities.) |
Must be unique |
Can be a in general form |
18. |
You may not use the digital signature option provided in Adobe Acrobat, since it is self-authenticated and does not use a third party. However, you may use Adobe Acrobat in conjunction with the digital signature provided from a proper certification authority.
Your digital signature must be linked to the document in such a way that any change invalidates the signature and document.
True |
False |
19. |
A digital signature is typically placed on the first page of an engineering document. A digitally signed and sealed document may include as many sheets as necessary. Each sheet must contain a title block. Printed copies of digitally signed, dated, and sealed documents are not considered signed and sealed. |
True |
False |
20. |
While the formatting may be altered, the text located within the text box must remain identical to the examples and must be placed on the electronic plan sheets and must not be a part of the digital signature itself.
An example of a digitally created seal and the required text box language:
This item has been digitally signed and sealed by C.S. Hammatt, PE, on 06/18/2021.
Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies.
An example of the required text box language when a digitally created seal is not used:
See Rule 61G15‐23.004, F.A.C., Procedures for Digitally Signing and Sealing Electronically Transmitted Plans, Specifications, Reports or Other Documents.
C.S. Hammatt, Professional Engineer, State of Florida, License No. 000000
This item has been digitally signed and sealed by C.S. Hammatt, PE, on 06/18/2021.
Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies.
True |
False |