South Carolina Pre-approved Special Inspectors LLR PDH Courses

Twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education are required for each registration cycle. The reporting period is from July 1st of each odd numbered year to June 30th of the following odd numbered year. Continuing education may not be carried over to a new registration cycle.

South Carolina Pre-approved LLR COURSES 2021-2023

You can complete all 24 hours of your continuing education requirements here!

LLR Course No Course Name NUMBER OF CEU's
2025-14-01Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction2 days = 11 Hrs
2025-14-02Guide for Design & Construction of Concrete Parking Lots 4 Hrs
2025-14-03How to Improve Soft Ground4 Hrs
2025-14-04Basics Of Soil Mechanics1 Hr
2025-14-05Foundation Design Options6 Hrs
2025-14-06 Design & Construction Procedures for Concrete Overlay & Widening of Existing Pavements SP - 20 Hrs
2025-14-07 Design of Pipe Culverts 2 Hrs
2025-14-08 How to Improve Soft Ground 5 Hrs
2025-14-09 Design of Flexible Pavements 12 Hrs
2025-14-10 Concrete Construction 12 Hrs
2025-14-11 Concrete Testing 6 Hrs
2025-14-12 Fire Protection of Structure Steel in High-Rise Buildings 10 Hrs
2025-14-13 Curing Concrete 4 Hrs
2025-14-14 Post-Tensioning Installation and Grouting Manual 12 Hrs
2025-14-15 Causes of Distress and Deterioration in Concrete 5 Hrs
2025-14-16 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 6 Hours
2025-14-17 Quality Control Manual for Hot Mix Asphalt 10 Hrs
2025-14-18 Foundation in Expansive Soils 10 Hrs
2025-14-19 Admixtures for Concrete 3 Hrs
2025-14-20 General Design and Construction of Earth and Rock-Fill Dams 12 Hrs
2025-14-21 Computing Stormwater Runoff Rates and Volumes 4 Hrs
2025-14-22 Effects of Oil and Chemically Dispersed Oil in the Environment 5 Hrs
2025-14-23 Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites 12 Hrs
2025-14-24 Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry 2 Hrs