Online Continuing Education Courses

The following courses have been selected carefully to have a direct or indirect relevance to the field of the licensee's practice. These courses have been selected to maintain, improve or expand the technical knowledge of the licensee's in his/her field of practice.

All Subject matters are technical in nature and addresses business management practices, professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar topics which facilitate the licensee's professional development as a professional engineer and serves to safeguard (HSW) Health, safety and welfare of the citizens.

$15 PDH Courses

Civil Engineering

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL255A Guide for City Water2$30.00
OL106A Policy Guide to Steel Moment Frame Construction3$45.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL017ADA - Common ADA Error and Omissions in New Constructions and Alterations2$30.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL001ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$30.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL486ADA Inspection2$30.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL339Admixtures for Concrete3$45.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL512Advanced Internet Course in Significant Florida Building Code Changes 8th Edition (2023)1$15.00
OL210America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry3$45.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics2$30.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction2$30.00
OL440Concrete Construction12$180.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL317Culvert Characteristics2$30.00
OL425Curing Concrete4$60.00
OL114Dam Owners - Impact of Plants on Earthen Dams10$150.00
OL168Dam Safety - Selecting Inflow Design Floods for Dams4$60.00
OL020Design of Sheet Pile Wall - US Army10$150.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL318Effects of Traffic Calming Measures on Pedestrians and Motorist Behavior3$45.00
OL489Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL479Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL123Federal Guide for Dam Safety3$45.00
OL327Future of Engineering Practice, Research and Education in America18$270.00
OL086General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL399Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction11$165.00
OL036Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs4$60.00
OL087History of Coastal Engineering4$60.00
OL037Home Builder Guide I4$60.00
OL038Home Builder Guide II2$30.00
OL039Home Builder Guide III5$75.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL365How to Design Sustainable Concrete Pavements16$239.00
OL439How to Do Site Work for Construction7$105.00
OL456How to Improve Soft Ground5$75.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road3$45.00
OL526How to Mix Concrete by Hand2$30.00
OL043How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL372How to Protect your House from Flooding15$225.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL363Manual for Repair of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges20$299.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse2$30.00
OL427Minor Road Damage Repair3$45.00
OL377Natural Site Design Preservation and Protection8$120.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL430Porous Asphalt Pavement1$15.00
OL244Project Control, Coordinate Systems and Datums8$120.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$60.00
OL384Quality Control Quality Assurance Manual for Asphalt Concrete Production and Placement10$150.00
OL367Recommendations and Technical Guidelines for Midwest Tornadoes20$300.00
OL095Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$45.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition10$150.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$180.00
OL069Sheet Piling4$60.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying4$60.00
OL195Standard Practice for Shotcrete4$60.00
OL047Steel Erection3$45.00
OL075Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$60.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$30.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$45.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$30.00

Structural Engineering

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL106A Policy Guide to Steel Moment Frame Construction3$45.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL017ADA - Common ADA Error and Omissions in New Constructions and Alterations2$30.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL001ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$30.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL486ADA Inspection2$30.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL339Admixtures for Concrete3$45.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL512Advanced Internet Course in Significant Florida Building Code Changes 8th Edition (2023)1$15.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL233Basic Geodesy4$60.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics2$30.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction2$30.00
OL440Concrete Construction12$180.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL317Culvert Characteristics2$30.00
OL425Curing Concrete4$60.00
OL168Dam Safety - Selecting Inflow Design Floods for Dams4$60.00
OL020Design of Sheet Pile Wall - US Army10$150.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL489Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL479Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL123Federal Guide for Dam Safety3$45.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL399Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction11$165.00
OL036Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs4$60.00
OL087History of Coastal Engineering4$60.00
OL037Home Builder Guide I4$60.00
OL038Home Builder Guide II2$30.00
OL039Home Builder Guide III5$75.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL365How to Design Sustainable Concrete Pavements16$239.00
OL439How to Do Site Work for Construction7$105.00
OL456How to Improve Soft Ground5$75.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road3$45.00
OL526How to Mix Concrete by Hand2$30.00
OL043How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL372How to Protect your House from Flooding15$225.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL363Manual for Repair of Fatigue Cracks in Steel Bridges20$299.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse2$30.00
OL427Minor Road Damage Repair3$45.00
OL377Natural Site Design Preservation and Protection8$120.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL430Porous Asphalt Pavement1$15.00
OL244Project Control, Coordinate Systems and Datums8$120.00
OL384Quality Control Quality Assurance Manual for Asphalt Concrete Production and Placement10$150.00
OL367Recommendations and Technical Guidelines for Midwest Tornadoes20$300.00
OL095Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$45.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition10$150.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$180.00
OL069Sheet Piling4$60.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying4$60.00
OL195Standard Practice for Shotcrete4$60.00
OL047Steel Erection3$45.00
OL075Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$60.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$30.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$45.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$30.00

Electrical Engineering

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL351A Basic Introduction to RFID Technology and its use in the Supply Chain5$75.00
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL532America’s Energy Future15$225.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL469Electric Power Grid Transition and Modernization3$45.00
OL347Electric Transmission Lines - Electricity from the Power Plant to the Consumer2$30.00
OL083Electrical Handbook15$225.00
OL084Electrical Test Methods25$329.00
OL086General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL345Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power an Overview3$45.00
OL032Generators and Motors15$225.00
OL473Global Energy Transformation Path to 205010$150.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL043How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL471Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL184Improving Fan System Performance8$120.00
OL130Introduction to Circuit Protection16$240.00
OL133Introduction to Fiber Optics20$299.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL472Modernization of Electric Power System8$120.00
OL465NEC 2017 Code Changes in Definition2$30.00
OL468NEC 2017 Code Changes in Equipment for General Use5$75.00
OL466NEC 2017 Code Changes in Wiring and Protection5$75.00
OL467NEC 2017 Code Changes in Wiring Methods and Materials3$45.00
OL176Noise and Vibration Control10$150.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL099System Engineering Fundamentals25$329.00

Mechanical Engineering

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL415Accident - Metal dust Explosion and Fire3$45.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL017ADA - Common ADA Error and Omissions in New Constructions and Alterations2$30.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL001ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$30.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL210America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry3$45.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL532America’s Energy Future15$225.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL010BOP Equipment Descriptions and Requirements7$105.00
OL081Chemical Hazard Communication2$30.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL346Electrical Energy Equipment: Fans and Blowers3$45.00
OL409Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods in Russia3$45.00
OL479Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL496Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill7$105.00
OL086General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL345Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power an Overview3$45.00
OL032Generators and Motors15$225.00
OL473Global Energy Transformation Path to 205010$150.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL046How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL053HVAC - Chillers, Refrigerant, Compressors and Heating Systems8$120.00
OL353HVAC Controls Introduction12$180.00
OL471Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL184Improving Fan System Performance8$120.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL472Modernization of Electric Power System8$120.00
OL176Noise and Vibration Control10$150.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL478Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri12$180.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL047Steel Erection3$45.00
OL493Tank Explosion in West Virginia6$90.00
OL477Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas12$180.00
OL349Tutorial Centrifugal Pump Systems3$45.00
OL273Valves and Miscellaneous Mechanical Components18$270.00
OL079What Caused the Explosion in Shell Co. in Deer Park, Texas7$105.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$30.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$45.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$30.00

Environmental Engineering

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL255A Guide for City Water2$30.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL415Accident - Metal dust Explosion and Fire3$45.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL532America’s Energy Future15$225.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics2$30.00
OL081Chemical Hazard Communication2$30.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL317Culvert Characteristics2$30.00
OL114Dam Owners - Impact of Plants on Earthen Dams10$150.00
OL168Dam Safety - Selecting Inflow Design Floods for Dams4$60.00
OL489Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL123Federal Guide for Dam Safety3$45.00
OL496Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill7$105.00
OL473Global Energy Transformation Path to 205010$150.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL087History of Coastal Engineering4$60.00
OL046How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road3$45.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL471Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL377Natural Site Design Preservation and Protection8$120.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL478Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri12$180.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$60.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL074Solid Waste Management17$255.00
OL493Tank Explosion in West Virginia6$90.00
OL477Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas12$180.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00


ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL255A Guide for City Water2$30.00
OL106A Policy Guide to Steel Moment Frame Construction3$45.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL001ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$30.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL486ADA Inspection2$30.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL339Admixtures for Concrete3$45.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL233Basic Geodesy4$60.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics2$30.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction2$30.00
OL440Concrete Construction12$180.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL317Culvert Characteristics2$30.00
OL425Curing Concrete4$60.00
OL020Design of Sheet Pile Wall - US Army10$150.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL489Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL086General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL399Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction11$165.00
OL036Heavy Load on Concrete Slabs4$60.00
OL087History of Coastal Engineering4$60.00
OL037Home Builder Guide I4$60.00
OL038Home Builder Guide II2$30.00
OL039Home Builder Guide III5$75.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL046How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL439How to Do Site Work for Construction7$105.00
OL456How to Improve Soft Ground5$75.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road3$45.00
OL526How to Mix Concrete by Hand2$30.00
OL043How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse2$30.00
OL427Minor Road Damage Repair3$45.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL430Porous Asphalt Pavement1$15.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$60.00
OL384Quality Control Quality Assurance Manual for Asphalt Concrete Production and Placement10$150.00
OL095Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$45.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition10$150.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$180.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying4$60.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL195Standard Practice for Shotcrete4$60.00
OL047Steel Erection3$45.00
OL075Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$60.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$30.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$45.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$30.00

Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Engineering

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL415Accident - Metal dust Explosion and Fire3$45.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL210America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry3$45.00
OL532America’s Energy Future15$225.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL010BOP Equipment Descriptions and Requirements7$105.00
OL081Chemical Hazard Communication2$30.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL409Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods in Russia3$45.00
OL479Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL496Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill7$105.00
OL086General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL032Generators and Motors15$225.00
OL473Global Energy Transformation Path to 205010$150.00
OL353HVAC Controls Introduction12$180.00
OL471Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL478Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri12$180.00
OL074Solid Waste Management17$255.00
OL493Tank Explosion in West Virginia6$90.00
OL477Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas12$180.00
OL349Tutorial Centrifugal Pump Systems3$45.00
OL101Understanding Natural Gas Markets2$30.00
OL079What Caused the Explosion in Shell Co. in Deer Park, Texas7$105.00

Home & Building Inspectors

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL017ADA - Common ADA Error and Omissions in New Constructions and Alterations2$30.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL486ADA Inspection2$30.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL233Basic Geodesy4$60.00
OL445Basics of Soil Mechanics2$30.00
OL081Chemical Hazard Communication2$30.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction2$30.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL425Curing Concrete4$60.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL083Electrical Handbook15$225.00
OL084Electrical Test Methods25$329.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL037Home Builder Guide I4$60.00
OL038Home Builder Guide II2$30.00
OL039Home Builder Guide III5$75.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL046How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL053HVAC - Chillers, Refrigerant, Compressors and Heating Systems8$120.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL130Introduction to Circuit Protection16$240.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse2$30.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL430Porous Asphalt Pavement1$15.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$60.00
OL095Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$45.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition10$150.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$180.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL075Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$60.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00


ID Course Name PDH Price
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL442Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL416Accident - Preventing Fire Accident in School Demonstrations2$30.00
OL017ADA - Common ADA Error and Omissions in New Constructions and Alterations2$30.00
OL492ADA - Toilet Rooms, Saunas, and Washer and Dryer6$90.00
OL001ADA and City Government Common Problems + ADA Accessible Stadiums2$30.00
OL002ADA Guide for Small Business2$30.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL486ADA Inspection2$30.00
OL005ADA Title III Highlights2$30.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL007Americans with Disabilities Act3$45.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL110Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry2$30.00
OL485Collapse of Building under Construction2$30.00
OL440Concrete Construction12$180.00
OL447Concrete Testing8$120.00
OL423Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL317Culvert Characteristics2$30.00
OL425Curing Concrete4$60.00
OL082Design, Guidelines & Standards for Historic Districts5$75.00
OL318Effects of Traffic Calming Measures on Pedestrians and Motorist Behavior3$45.00
OL346Electrical Energy Equipment: Fans and Blowers3$45.00
OL083Electrical Handbook15$225.00
OL084Electrical Test Methods25$329.00
OL489Excavation Collapse3$45.00
OL479Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL496Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill7$105.00
OL473Global Energy Transformation Path to 205010$150.00
OL214Green Building - LEED 2009 for New Constructions and Major Renovations12$180.00
OL035Green Building - Rating Systems for Existing Buildings15$225.00
OL034Green Building - Rating Systems for New Construction & Major Renovations10$150.00
OL215Green Building - Sustainable Buildings6$90.00
OL212Green Building Guidelines, New Home Construction6$90.00
OL454Green Street1$15.00
OL037Home Builder Guide I4$60.00
OL038Home Builder Guide II2$30.00
OL039Home Builder Guide III5$75.00
OL049How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL046How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL044How to Build a Radon Resistant Home8$120.00
OL040How to Design Buildings Against Terrorist Attacks8$120.00
OL439How to Do Site Work for Construction7$105.00
OL050How to Make Sure the Structures Built Near the Flood Zone are Safe3$45.00
OL527How to Manage your Dirt and Gravel Road3$45.00
OL526How to Mix Concrete by Hand2$30.00
OL043How to Preserve Historic Buildings18$270.00
OL432How to Put an Access Road on Your Property3$45.00
OL090How to Save Energy and Money at Home2$30.00
OL314How to Use Wind Energy to Power your House3$45.00
OL053HVAC - Chillers, Refrigerant, Compressors and Heating Systems8$120.00
OL471Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL127Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment4$60.00
OL130Introduction to Circuit Protection16$240.00
OL428Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL482Masonry Wall Collapse2$30.00
OL427Minor Road Damage Repair3$45.00
OL377Natural Site Design Preservation and Protection8$120.00
OL465NEC 2017 Code Changes in Definition2$30.00
OL468NEC 2017 Code Changes in Equipment for General Use5$75.00
OL466NEC 2017 Code Changes in Wiring and Protection5$75.00
OL467NEC 2017 Code Changes in Wiring Methods and Materials3$45.00
OL460OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety1$15.00
OL494Plant Collapse at Omaha Nebraska4$60.00
OL430Porous Asphalt Pavement1$15.00
OL478Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri12$180.00
OL141Promoting Seismic Safety4$60.00
OL095Recommended Practice for the Design of Residential Foundations3$45.00
OL525Residential Structural Guide 2nd Edition10$150.00
OL173Rock Foundations12$180.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying4$60.00
OL073Solar Water Heating4$60.00
OL047Steel Erection3$45.00
OL493Tank Explosion in West Virginia6$90.00
OL075Tornado Risks, Shelter and Recommendations4$60.00
OL477Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas12$180.00
OL490Trench Collapse1$15.00
OL349Tutorial Centrifugal Pump Systems3$45.00
OL273Valves and Miscellaneous Mechanical Components18$270.00
OL103Wood - Lumber Stress Grade & Design2$30.00
OL104Wood - Physical Properties3$45.00
OL105Wood - Use in Buildings and Bridges2$30.00