1. |
What does MTCA stand for? |
Model Tactics Control Act |
Model Toxics Control Act |
Model Toxics Capture Act |
Minor Toxics Control Act |
2. |
A consent decree is not a formal legal agreement or "settlement" of liability under MTCA |
True |
False |
3. |
What are the two types of lands within Indian reservations ________________ ? |
Trust lands and Fee lands |
Faith lands and Fee lands |
Trust lands and Green lands |
Faith lands and Green lands |
4. |
A tribe or its members may own land located outside of the reservation that is held in trust by the ___________________ ? |
federal government |
state government |
both federal and state government |
tribe association |
5. |
Home Heating oil tank leakage cleanup costs are often not covered by homeowners insurance |
True |
False |
6. |
For regulated UST facilities, this site characterization study must be completed within ____ days after confirmation of a release |
30 |
60 |
90 |
120 |
7. |
All investigative wastes (drill cuttings and purge water) should be contained in ______ until sample test results are received. |
Plastic bags |
drums or tanks |
can be dispersed into the soil |
none of the above |
8. |
Field screening methods can provide real-time information to target problem areas and make real time decisions, saving time and money in the site investigation |
True |
False |
9. |
Which of the following is not a field screening method? |
Visual screening |
Sheen test |
Headspace vapor analysis |
PH test |
10. |
For industrial or commercial land uses, the terrestrial ecological evaluation process focuses on evaluation of impacts to ____________ ? |
Buildings |
Workers |
Wildlife |
None of the above |
11. |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are not a normal component of most petroleum mixtures and do not need to be tested for except in certain heavier oil products (heavy oils, mineral oils, and waste oils). |
True |
False |
12. |
The MTCA rules provide three methods for establishing cleanup levels. Which one of the following is not one of them? |
Method A |
Method C |
Method B |
Method J |
13. |
The ___________ is the location within a particular medium (e.g., groundwater) where cleanup levels must be met. |
Point of cumulative |
Point of cleanup |
Point of compliance |
Point of condition |
14. |
What does SEPA stand for? |
State External Policy Act |
State Environmental Policy Act |
Soil Environmental Policy Act |
Soil Excavation Policy Act |
15. |
Which one of the following is not a commonly used technology for the cleanup of petroleum contaminated sites? |
Bioslurper |
Bioslumber |
Dual-Phase Recovery |
Soil Vapor Extraction |
16. |
Whatever method of cleanup is implemented, it is not necessary that a report be prepared documenting all aspects of cleanup. |
True |
False |
17. |
A soil in a lower category can be used for uses specified in any higher category. Which of the following is not true |
A category 1 soil can be used for any use specified in categories 1, 2, 3 and 4. |
A category 3 soil can be used for any use specified in categories 3 and 4. |
A category 2 soil can be used for any use specified in categories 2, 3 and 4. |
A category 4 soil can be used for any use specified in categories 2, 3 and 1. |
18. |
Only diesel and heavy oil contaminated soils need to be tested for naphthalenes. |
True |
False |
19. |
A number of critical technical factors need to be considered and evaluated in the initial screening and subsequent remedy selection. These critical factors can be grouped into ______ main categories? |
Two |
Three |
Five |
Four |
20. |
What does MDL stand for? |
Method detection limit |
Method deterioration limit |
Method difference limit |
Method decay limit |