This course is a synthesis of published literature as well as the collective experience gathered from participants of a workshop held at Lehigh University August 14-15, 2002 [herein referred to as the Fatigue Workshop]. It presents what are the consensus best practices for repair and retrofit of fatigue cracks in steel bridges as of 2010.
This course is also a guide for owners and consulting engineers to use for design and detailing of repairs and retrofits for fatigue cracks. It should be used in conjunction with existing specifications, codes, and engineering judgment.(1-4) In addition to designing and executing the repairs and/or retrofits, there are numerous other steps involved in the inspection and assessment of a cracked bridge member. Detailed discussion of inspection and fatigue and fracture assessment are beyond the scope of this manual and, therefore, are only briefly discussed below with reference to other documents.
Federal Highway Administration
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This online PDH course can also be used as a continuing education course for the following.