Solid Waste Management - Quiz

Quiz Question

1. This manual discusses managerial, engineering and operational issues associated with:

-Handling and storage of waste
-Refuse collection
-Transfer stations sanitary landfills
-Volume reduction techniques
-Resource recovery (material and energy)
-Recycling centers at military bases
2. Appendices on this manual provide information on:
Landfills permit requirements
Solid waste management contracts
Regional U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
State solid waste agencies
Organizations involved in recycling
Estimation of waste generation rates
3. What are the main concerns of RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) addresses
Hazardous waste management
Solid waste management
Procurement of materials made from recovered waste
All of the above.
4. The U.S. Department of energy developed a national energy plan that summarizes all research and development efforts to:

Forestall energy shortages
Reduce waste
Forster recycling
Encourage conservation
Protect the environment
5. State regulations may define requirements for which one of the followings:
Storage containers
Waste collection and transportation
Plan of operation
Record keeping
Inspections recycling
All of the above
6. Important regulations list minimum functional standards for landfill:

-Maintenance and operation
-Closure and post-closure
7. Special laws will describe requirements for:
-Operating and closing of inert and demolition waste sites
-Monitoring groundwater
-Establishing a corrective action program in the event of contamination of groundwater.
8. Chapter 4 the engineering and operation issues deals with:
– Solid waste generation Technologies for:
– Handling and storage of waste
– Collection of wastes
– Transfer and transport of waste
– Landfill design and operation
– Processing techniques and equipment
– Resource recovery and recycling
– Waste requiring special handling
– Hazardous wastes that may enter normally non-hazardous waste streams.
9. Landfills can be sited within the 100 year flood plain.
10. Which one of the following is a factor in deciding a landfill site:
Land availability
Cover material availability
Underground structures
Flood plain
All of the above
11. Many landfills have had clay liners placed at their base. Clay minerals have a low hydraulic conductivity and therefore will significantly retard the movement of any leachate through them.
12. Soil conditions must be suitable for preventing ground water pollution, for excavating and covering the fill, and for vehicle access. Most soil types can be used for cover material; however, well-graded soils are preferable to other types because of better compactability and in all weather conditions. The most ideal soils are silt and clay soils which restrict leachate and gas movement.
13. The landfill sites should not be near or in the vicinity of civilian or military airfield, where landfills attract birds and birds are dangerous to aircrafts. Birds can get sucked into the aircraft engines and cause the aircraft to crash.
14. Table 4-2-6A shows:
The type of soil to use for the landfill
The type of trucks and waste container to be used in a landfill
Solid waste landfill design checklist
15. Which one of the following may be regulated or would require special handling as a solid wastes.
Used oils and solvents
Asbestos wastes
Radioactive wastes
Infectious wastes
PCB wastes
All of the above
16. Used solvents are defined as all organic fluids contaminated as a result of use for cleaning or thinning or use as a solvent, antifreeze, or for a similar purpose.
17. Friable asbestos wastes must be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of subpart M of 40 CFR 61 and any other state or local regulations. Asbestos removal and disposal must be performed by a licensed contractor or specifically trained civilian/military personnel. The material must be placed in sealed, impermeable bags and disposed of by burial at a state-approved sanitary landfill.