1. |
The advantage of a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over LIDAR is: |
UAVs offer a cost effective alternative with far more flexibility |
Being able to get into the air quickly and without as much logistic support |
All of the above |
2. |
The disadvantage of a drone over compared to LIDAR is: |
A drone cannot go beyond visual line-of sight (BLOS) |
A drone cannot map for example a 10,000 acres corn field |
You must receive 333 exemptions from the FAA |
All of the above |
3. |
The possibilities of the drones are that they can be utilized along with: |
photogrammetry |
Point cloud |
Conversion of point cloud data |
All of the above |
4. |
The FAA 333 Exemptions have given people a glimpse of how these tools can supplement processes and procedures they’re already using while also creating new opportunities. |
True |
False |
5. |
The much lower costs have democratized the technology and allow many more people access to surveying tools. Because of this, drones __________ to change the term of "mapping" or surveying" and broaden them in a powerful manner. |
Have the chance |
Do not have the chance |
6. |
WITH RESTRICTIONS LIMITING how drones can be utilized, many have struggled to see a return on their UAV investment, while others are already leery around the implications of the technology. |
True |
False |
7. |
The drone technology ______________ the mapping industry the way Uber has changed the way people get around and the way PayPal changed the way of payment.
Can completely disrupt |
Cannot affect |
8. |
Beyond the visual line of site (BLOS) is something that really makes UAVs a niche because of |
The impact on the cost when you can fly within half a mile of the bay station. |
No need of logistic planning compared to operating an aircraft. |
All of the above |
9. |
One of the advantages of UAVs is going across utility corridors like gas lines. Using helicopters for that kind of work is |
really expensive |
Impossible |
Have never been done before. |
10. |
One of the disadvantages of UAVs is, when you have to fly beyond the line-of-sight, you have to Land and take off, land and take off. That defeats the whole economy of the UAV. |
True |
False |